AFG Comunicação

How we do

Principles and Methodology


AFG Comunicação acts in an ethical and committed way. Either through the relationship with partners and clients, or through the development of projects, AFG makes sure these are guiding principles to carry out in any work. In addition, AFG values discretion and secrecy, since it understands that the provided consultancy in the fields of strategic communication and management depends on such pillars in order to achieve maximized results.

We work with our own methodology, adapted to the needs of each client. The method comprises the following stages: diagnosis, planning, execution and analysis. All parts of the process are duly documented so that the client can understand and measure the performance of the work and results generated.

We understand that each project will require specific communication and management actions and, therefore, we focus on personalized services. AFG Communicação wants to be an axis of support and trust while proposing correct solutions for you and your company.